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EACJ President Pays Courtesy Call On Chief Justice
(L-R): Chief Justice, Hon. Justice, Hon. Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny - Dollo Hon and Justice Nestor Kayobera (President -EACJ)

The President of the East African Court of Justice (EACJ) Hon. Justice Nestor Kayobera, on Tuesday July 17, 2022 paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny- Dollo in his chambers at the Judiciary headquarters.   

The purpose of the EACJ President's visit was to discuss the preparations underway for the upcoming 2nd Annual East African Court of Justice Judicial Conference scheduled to take place from the 26th - 28th October, 2022 in Kampala, Uganda and the EACJ Court Sessions which shall take place in Kampala, Uganda during the month of November, 2022. 

Hon. Justice Kayobera was accompanied by Court of Appeal Justice, Hon. Justice Geofrey Kiryabwire, who doubles as the EACJ Vice President together with High Court Judge, Hon. Justice Richard Wabwire Wejuli, a Judge of First Instance at the same Court.

The EACJ President explained that the objective of the Court's November sessions is to bring the services of the Court closer to the people and to enhance the visibility of the Court as it undertakes its mandate of promoting access to justice by ensuring adherence to law in the interpretation and application and of compliance with the EAC Treaty. The Court through its mandate continues to settle disputes and develop key jurisprudence on matters of regional integration.

The Chief Justice welcomed the idea of moving the court closer to the people. "...You cannot let people move for long distances for a service that can be extended closer to them. That is why we are trying to create regional Court of Appeal stations" he said.

He also promised to host the EACJ President together with his team before they kick off court business in November.

The meeting was attended by HW Lochomin Peter Fred, the Personal Assistant to Chief Justice, Ms. Nankya Maria, the Principal Personal Secretary to the President, Mr. Simon Olweny, the Officer in Charge of the East African Court of Justice sub registry at Kampala and Ms. Maria Atuhe, the Head of Court Security at the East African Court of Justice.

Posted 12th, July 2022
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